A lunchtime lift is a great procedure for anyone looking to tighten the facial skin and jawline. As I mentioned in a previous post, Dr. Shahar at Natural Look Institute performs this procedure with artistic precision. It’s a quick procedure that generates amazing results. Schedule your free consultation today by calling 212-717-4066 or by visiting naturallookinstitute.com. Here’s more information:
This patient (above) had a lunchtime lift, a new technique Dr. Shahar developed that is less invasive with minimal downtime to fit most people’s lifestyle. A short procedure, under local anesthetic with small hidden scars behind the ears. This procedure tightens the underline muscles and excess skin, defines your jawline, improves your neck laxity and overall look. If you are not ready for a facelift this can benefit you. Learn more at naturallookinstitute.com/minifacelift