Last week, I went to an intimate breakfast to learn about Sernivo, a topical treatment for psoriasis. According to the Cleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education, 2-3% of the U.S. population suffers from psoriasis. I learned from Eric Shenloogian, Director of Marketing at Promius Pharma, that the disease can show up anywhere from the hands and nails to eyelids and ears. I also heard personal psoriasis stories from Jonathan Montemarano and Sarah Kuska. Although the disease is not curable, it is treatable and signs of the disease can certainly be reduced. Sernivo is one of these treatments that just launched in August, which happens to be National Psoriasis Awareness Month. I was fascinated by all of this information and wanted to know more.
Sernivo is an emulsion spray used to treat mild to moderate plaque psoriasis. Dr. Joshua Zeichner, an advocate for Sernivo, mentioned that you can consistently use the medication twice daily for a month. You can apply it directly to your skin and use it on areas such as your scalp, your elbows, and your knees. Sernivo absorbs quickly and doesn’t leave any messy residue. The spray is compact and you can carry it with you easily. You’ll begin to see initial results in as little as 2 weeks. This disease is frustrating and painful so it’s great to see a product that quickly and effectively treats these symptoms. In the spirit of National Psoriasis Awareness Month, let’s keep staying informed about this disease and be supportive of those who suffer from it. We can all make a difference!