Mr. Brainwash delivers an authentic street Pop art installation in NYC

Last week, Mr. Brainwash, infamous street Pop artist, in partnership with Hoerle-Guggenheim Gallery and artnet launched an impressive, creative installation at The New York EDITION. He only had 3 hours to put it together, and it proved to be a great lineup of mixed media pieces. Guests enjoyed champagne and small bites, as they viewed celebrity portraits of Kate Moss, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Ray Charles, Jim Morrison, The Beatles, and many more. There was also an installation of Star Troopers (from Star Wars) and yellow tape spread throughout the venue that read “Life is Beautiful,” a line that that can be found in a previous sculpture by Mr. Brainwash, and that is one of his main mottos. Viewing artwork by Mr. Brainwash is such an incredible experience!


John Lennon

John Lennon

Kate Moss

Kate Moss

Ray Charles

Ray Charles

The Beatles

The Beatles

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty

Mixed media print with David Bowie and Mona Lisa

Mixed media print with David Bowie and Mona Lisa

Star Troopers posing with "Life is Beautiful" tape

Star Troopers posing with “Life is Beautiful” tape

Robin and Batman

Robin and Batman

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